ALLIED provides people solutions across entire organisations from industrial labour hire, office temps, permanent and executive recruitment. Are you an employer considering using a recruitment consultancy to assist with hiring new staff? Find out here why it’s a great idea! Our integrity, commitment and caliber of work are excellent.
We have our finger on the pulse of specialist markets, and can give the you insight into what is happening. We know the available talent, where they are and how to reach out to them, salary rates, career expectations, available skill-sets and current hiring complexities.
Some candidates are hard to find. They may be passive or they may be selective. If they aren’t responding to job advertisements, don’t see themselves as part of your ‘talent pool’ and are too busy to search full time then the chances are that they may have relationships with trusted specialist recruiters in your sector. Even if they aren’t currently active, we know who they are and how to reach them.
A lot of talent attraction is aimed at attracting applicants, whether they are responding to an advert, applying on specifications, or through your website. A lot of these people may not be good matches for the role hence a lot of time will be invested in filtering, assessing, matching and communicating with them. When we talk of a bad candidate experience it is normally an applicant experience that we are referring to. ALLIED ensures that you see only candidates – job seekers who have been pre-selected to match all the criteria that you are looking for and who are worthy of consideration and interview.
Large companies invest a lot of time and money in developing and marketing their employer brand, but many SME and smaller businesses don’t have the same resources. If you chose your agency wisely then they can give potential candidates a real insight in to your business – what it’s like to work there, benefits and career openings available, and a feel for the culture. If you partner closely with agencies, let them spend time getting to know you and some of your key managers, then they should be able to represent you as an employer of choice. If a candidate checks your business out on social media, either through a site like Glassdoor or by searching for people who used to work with you, then a fully briefed recruitment partner should be able to help clarify any points that may arise.